InMovement vs VariDesk: Standing Desk Converter Comparison

A head-to-head comparison of the InMovement vs VariDesk standing desk converters has been one of our most requested features here at Office Chair Picks for some time.

When you think about it, that’s hardly surprising.

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After all, we’ve seen how the best-selling VariDesk holds up against other leading models like the FlexiSpot and we’ve even considered a host of other well-known VariDesk alternatives.

Yet while this popular sit/stand workstation continually comes out looking good in those encounters, we haven’t yet seen how it fares when pitted against InMovement, another brand with a reputation for creating premium quality workspace solutions.

Never ones to disappoint our loyal readers, we finally invested in the popular InMovement Elevate Desktop DT2 desktop riser and put it head to head against variDesk’s flagship product, the VariDesk Pro Plus 36.

Below, we’ll explain how these two compare in terms of all the things that matter most when it comes to choosing a standing desk converter, all in the name of helping you decide which model is right for you.

InMovement vs VariDesk: Head-to-Head Comparison


Before we begin, we should say that every round in this InMovement vs VariDesk comparison was almost too close to call, with both brands producing superior standing desk converters that would make a solid addition to any office.

However, nowhere did we have a tougher time deciding on a winner than when it came to material and engineering quality.

On the one hand, you have the VariDesk Pro Plus 36, which boasts a sufficiently weighted base, a thick gauge steel frame for reinforced support and a 3D laminate finish that ensures lasting durability.

VariDesk Pro Plus 36 – Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter – Stand Up Desk Converter for Dual Monitors

You’ve also got the peace of mind that comes that VariDesk tends to be the one name synonymous with high-quality desk converters, a reputation that speaks volumes about their commitment to high calibre engineering and ultimately ensures that what you’ve got here is a product that’s going to continue serving you well for years to come.

On the other hand, the InMovement Elevate Desktop DT2 which combines a robust metal frame with a solid, real-wood desktop surface that is practically damage-proof.

Having tried both out, it was ultimately the VariDesk which seemed to be the strongest of the two, though not by much.

Stability and Bounce

InMovement Elevate Desktop Dual Monitor Adjustable Height Standing Desk

A common complaint about standing desk converters is that some have a tendency to “bounce” or wobble when in use. At best, this can be a nuisance if you find your keyboard is wobbling up and down while you’re trying to type. At worst, it can cause all kinds of accidents if, for example, a bouncing desk results in a hot cup of coffee being spilt everywhere.

With that in mind, it really pays to buy a sit/stand workstation that offers optimum stability, ensuring smooth, comfortable working throughout your day.

To that end, we once again give the points to the VariDesk which offers smooth, stable working with zero bounce while the InMovement option did tend to wobble a little from time to time.

OK, so it wasn’t enough to be completely off-putting, but it was certainly noticeable and really a sore point for what is otherwise a great quality desk converter.

Style and Design

Finally, the InMovement Elevate Desktop DT2 wins a category by virtue of being one of the better-looking models around. We also love that it’s one of the few sit/stand desk options that come in a variety of finishes.

This means you can choose between a cool white that’s perfect for modern offices, a classic dark wood that works well in more traditionally-designed environments, and a light wood design that sits comfortably in between.

Of course, the VariDesk still has a great contemporary look about it and is one of the more handsome office desks we’ve seen in a while, but the color choices and overall design of the InMovement desk earn it the win in this round.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Again, we have to give the nod to the VariDesk desk converter here.

This one was specifically designed to be an office solution for people with back pain, and to that end comes with a cleverly designed posture curve, easy-to-use rowing lift mechanism and other key ergonomic design features to make it as comfortable as possible to use.

We also like that VariDesk offers dual pneumatics, meaning you can adjust both the desktop height and the keyboard tray height independently of one another so that your monitor and keyboard are both at an ideal height.

VIVO Black Height Adjustable 36 inch Stand up Desk Converter Quick Sit to Stand Tabletop Dual Monitor Riser (DESK-V000V)

As you can imagine, this goes a long way to reducing neck and shoulder pain when working at a desk for long hours.

Sadly, the InMovement Elevate DT2 Standing Desk lacks this dual ergonomic feature, but it does try to make up for it in other areas.

For one thing, it’s got a very generously sized 41″ desktop area and a larger-than-average keyboard tray.

This not only makes it one of the best standing desks for dual monitor setups, but also gives you plenty of room to maneuver and means you avoid the discomfort of working in a tight space.

For another, the keyboard tray itself is positioned lower than you’ll find on most sit/stand workstations for improved comfort. However, since you can’t adjust that tray separately from the desktop surface and since there is a noticeable keyboard bounce when the desk is in standing position, we have to say that the VariDesk is better.

If you struggle with back, neck or shoulder pain while working, check out our guide to the best standing desk exercises to keep you comfortable and energized.

Height Adjustability

Sticking with the theme of comfort and usability, the VariDesk comes with 11 height adjustment points compared to the InMovement’s 10 points, but all isn’t quite what it seems here.

As one of the largest desk converters on the market, the InMovement Elevate Desktop DT2 allows you to adjust the height into fixed positions between 5″ and 19″ for a total adjustability range of 14″.

InMovement Standing Desk, Adjustable Heights for Sitting or Standing While You Work, Dark Wood, 41 X 26

Meanwhile the VariDesk Pro Plus 36 lets you adjust the height into fixed positions between 4.5″ and 17″ for a total adjustability range of 13″.

So, if you’re looking for the best standing desk for tall people, the InMovement narrowly wins this round.

Ease of Use

Both options come fully assembled out of the box, so if you were worried about having to put your new desk converter together, you can relax:

All the hard work is already done for you.

In terms of actually using the converter and moving it from a sitting to a standing position, the VariDesk comes with a two-handled design and spring-assisted lifting mechanism to ensure that raising or lowering the desk doesn’t cause discomfort on your back.

The InMovement desk features no handles at all, meaning you grip it from the sides of the table and move it into position, again using a spring-assisted lift mechanism. It’s not exactly difficult, but it is a little more awkward to use and means that yes, once again, we’re giving the points to VariDesk.

InMovement vs VariDesk: Our Verdict

Varidesk standing desk dimensions diagram

If you’ve read this far then you’ve no doubt seen that the VariDesk Pro Plus 36 solidly beats out the InMovement Elevate DT2 Standing Desk in the majority of those categories that matter most when it comes to choosing a good standing desk converter.

That’s not to say that the Elevate DT2 is by any means a poor choice. It’s not. It’s big, solid, highly durable desk converter with more desktop surface than any other model out there, unique colour choices and a damage-proof wooden finish that ensures it’s going to remain a strong feature of your office for years to come.

However, the VariDesk is every bit as strong, if not more so, comes with a solid weighted base for added stability, meaning you’re not going to get that awkward keyboard bouncing that can occur with some desks when in a standing position.

It’s also built specifically to avoid a build-up of back pain, with superior ergonomic features, lifting handles at either side and better adjustability that also minimizes the risk of neck and shoulder pain then.

All in all, then, the VariDesk sees off another contender to the crown of best standing desk converter on the market.

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