Ergonomic Mouse: Remedy RSI, Wrist Pain, and Carpal Tunnel

Most people don’t expect to suffer a work-related injury at their office job or when streaming on Twitch. However, computer ergonomics are becoming more and more important as people understand the ramifications spending all day on a computer can have.

If you suffer from any form of wrist pain, you should ditch your old mouse and upgrade to one designed with the human body and worker comfort in mind.

Keep reading to learn why an ergonomic mouse could be the solution to your discomfort at your computer.

What is RSI?

RSI stands for repetitive strain injury. So this refers to pain and chronic injuries caused by performing the same movement over and over again. The idea behind this is it is not a movement that would typically cause any injury or discomfort. But when done over and over again daily, it does begin to injure your body and cause your pain or discomfort.

The solution prescribed to people with RSIs is to stop doing whatever is causing the pain. But if what causes you pain is required to do your job, you may feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

What Is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel is when the median nerve in your wrist pinches. A pinched nerve is quite painful and persistent, sometimes lasting years. This median nerve becomes pinched when the narrow passageway where the nerve is, is strained for an extended period. Carpal tunnel symptoms include hand wrist pain, discomfort, swelling, tingling, or numbness.

What Is an Ergonomic Mouse?

An ergonomic mouse is a computer designed to fit the human body naturally. When using a standard mouse, you must turn your hand, so your palm is flat, bending your elbows and forearms inward. This position is highly unnatural for humans, making long hours at the computer taxing.

Ergonomic mouse designs allow you to use the computer but maintain a neutral and natural arm, wrist, and hand position. This position allows you to relax and comfortably use the computer without strain.

How an Ergonomic Mouse Can Help You

Ergonomic mouse and normal computer mouse
Image Credit: Shutterstock

These are the top benefits of using an ergonomic mouse:

1. Prevents Wrist Pain, Carpal Tunnel, and RSI

We’ve already discussed this, but reducing RSI and other injuries is the main upside to using an ergonomic mouse. They can also help reduce or eliminate symptoms of these common office injuries.

2. More Comfortable

Even if you aren’t experiencing any wrist or arm pain, using an ergonomic mouse will still make a difference in your overall comfort. When you’re comfortable while working or gaming, your productivity, and success will improve.

3. Reduces Fatigue

After a long day at the office, you may feel inexplicably physically tired. You may wonder how this is possible when you’ve been sitting in a chair all day, but it could be due to your wrist and arm strain.

4. Customizable

Unlike standard computer mouses, an ergonomic mouse offers adjustability and customizable features. Therefore, you can have the most comfortable computer experience possible and know the mouse fits your hand perfectly.

More Tips to Avoid Hand and Wrist Injuries

Keep these tips in mind when working or gaming on your computer so you can avoid RSI and similar health problems.

Utilize Your Whole Arm

When using your mouse, especially to reach large distances or go to the far corner of your computer screen, you should use your entire arm in this movement. Only utilizing your wrist adds unnecessary strain and can directly cause carpal tunnel or similar symptoms.

Type Gently

When clicking and typing, do so gently. There’s no reason to slam down on your computer. Taking a delicate approach will prevent hand, wrist, and arm pain, but it will also help your computer in better working condition. After all, no technology enjoys being handled roughly.

Stagger Computer Tasks

If you spend four hours a day using your mouse and computer and three hours doing manual tasking, try to disperse both throughout your day. It’s unwise to use a computer for four straight hours in this way, so take breaks to do the manual tasks and give your wrist and hand a break from the mouse.

Keep the Keyboard and Mouse Close

Most people do not do this, but keeping the mouse close to the keyboard requires less strain to go back and forth. When you reach for the mouse, it usually creates an awkward angle and an awkward grip that strains your wrist.

Properly Position Your Desk

Your desk height should align with your elbows. When you stand in front of your desk with your arms relaxed, the height of your elbows is the ideal place because it requires nos train on your arms or shoulders. If the desk is too short, you strain down, and if it’s too high, you have to hold your arms up.

Do Not Hover

When not actively using the keyboard or mouse, let your arms rest by your side. This act will give them a break from the position that causes them strain and also help circulate the blood, so your arms don’t become as fatigued.


man is getting hand pain while working with computer
Image Source: Shutterstock

If you suffer from an RSI, carpal tunnel, arthritis, or any wrist pain at all, you should get an ergonomic mouse as soon as possible. These types of injuries only get worse over time, so it’s important to find solutions quickly.

An ergonomic mouse will immediately make a difference in your comfort and work productivity.


How long will an ergonomic mouse last?

Most ergonomic mouses will last you up to three years. This lifespan is about the same for traditional computer mouses, so you shouldn’t have to replace your ergonomic mouse any more often than you would a regular one.

How much does an ergonomic mouse cost?

They can cost anywhere between $5 and $150. It depends on the quality and features. We recommend spending between $30 and $60 for a decent quality ergonomic mouse.

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