How to Program a Standing Desk

Standing desks are revolutionary in keeping office workers happy and healthy. Studies have shown that sitting for long periods can result in serious health problems and medical conditions, so many people have options now for both and learned how to program standing desk to relieve themselves of sitting all day.

Ironically, standing all day is also not ideal for the human body, but standing desks have helped reduce this stress on office workers. These desks can work with office chairs so workers can sit as well as stand. They just press a button to raise the desk.

But programming the desk to raise for your ideal height and preferences can be tricky to figure out. This guide will walk you through how to program your standing desk for an optimal work environment.

Determining the Ideal Height

It can be hard to know what the ideal height for your standing desk is. If you adjust it to the incorrect height, it won’t help your posture or comfort at work. And you can end up worsening the effects of office work on your body.

To determine the ideal ergonomic height, follow these steps.

  1. Stand up and look forward but be relaxed. Roll your shoulders slightly back to correct your posture and straighten your neck to a natural position.
  2. Relax your arms and bend your elbows to make a 90-degree angle. Your elbow height is the most important part of determining the best height. It can result in wrist strain if not properly done.
  3. Raise the desk until your fingertips graze the top of your keyboard. Have a friend or co-worker raise the desk for you while you maintain this position. You can manage to do it on your own, but it’s best to ask someone for help to achieve the ideal ergonomic height.
  4. The last step is to adjust your computer monitor. The top of the screen should be at your eye level to reduce eye and neck tension. Skipping this step can cause immense pain and discomfort while working.

How to Program a Standing Desk

how to program standing desk
Source: Shutterstock

Most standing desks have three or four presets for height adjustment. Most desks will operate the same when changing presets, so this should give you a general idea of how to set your desk.

The desks consist of numbered buttons with one or two buttons labeled with letters. Holding down a lettered button, that usually says S or M, will make it so you can adjust the presets.

The arrows allow you to raise or lower the desk to your ideal height. Once you have reached the correct height, which you can follow the steps above to determine, hold one of the numbered buttons and that height will be set to that number. Now, to adjust the desk to that setting, press the numbered button, and it will automatically go to this height.

The reason there are multiple presets is that some workers may share desks if they work at different times of the day. But if you are the only one using the desk, you typically only need one preset ready to go.

Benefits of Standing Desks


Sitting or standing all day long is not beneficial for the human body. But discomfort can also come from a standing desk not being programmed correctly. Poor ergonomic habits can result in back pain, neck pain, permanent back or disc damage, or painful tension in the shoulders and neck.

Comfortable workers are often more productive and overall happier in their workplace. People shouldn’t have to suffer through pain or discomfort throughout their workday. Even if you don’t think it’s that important, you should be sure to prioritize your comfort at work to take care of your body.


Office workers that use standing desks report an immense increase in comfort and productivity. Standing while working makes it easier mentally and physically to move around the office. Taking short walks helps improve circulation and will keep the office team on task.

Pain and discomfort pull focus away from one’s work and slow down the pace. But by using a standing desk, you can maximize your comfort to help you maintain focus and complete tasks more efficiently.


Our entire body suffers when we ignore proper posture and ergonomic rules. An incorrect desk height leads to tension in the neck and shoulders that can even cause spinal curvature.

Using a properly adjusted standing desk can help reduce the potential of serious health problems. These problems can lead to hefty medical expenses like chiropractors, acupuncturists, masseuses, and even surgery in the worst scenarios. Something as simple as standing up every so often at work can help you avoid this.

Bottom Line

One of the most important parts of using a standing desk is listening to your body. So as you keep these tips in mind, make sure you are also listening to your body and whether or not it is comfortable.

But once you get in the groove of your standing desk, your entire work experience will change, and you can start living a healthier life.


What is the best standing desk?

There are a myriad of excellent standing desks out there that will improve the ergonomics of your work environment. Different types of standing desks vary depending on people’s height, preferences and work needs.

How often should I stand at work?

Experts recommend standing at least once an hour if you typically sit. And same with if you spend most of the time standing, you should sit down at least once an hour for a few minutes to change your position and keep your blood flowing properly in your legs.

If you remain in a stagnant position for most of the day, it can result in poor circulation that leads to fluid retention and possible swelling that adds discomfort and pain both at work and outside of work.

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